Week of Feb. 10-15:
Junior High Practice:
Boys/Girls: 7:00am (Mon-Thurs); 7:45am (Fri)
Monday, Feb. 10:
HSG Basketball:
Bi-District Championship vs. Eden
San Angelo Lake View HS (we are Home team)
Tuesday, Feb. 11:
HS Basketball vs. Water Valley (H)
JVB, 5:00pm
VB, 6:15pm
Thursday, Feb. 13:
HS Tennis: JV at Garden City
HS Golf: at Andrews
Possible VG Playoffs (TBD)
Friday, Feb. 14:
HS Tennis: Varsity at Garden City
Possible VG Playoffs (TBD)
Saturday, Feb. 15
HS Powerlifting: at Greenwood
Junior Basketball League, at Garden City
All events subject to change. We will post on school websites and SportsYou as soon as we can.
Let’s Go Kats!