Junior High Practice:  

Boys: 7:00am (M-Th); 7:45am (Fri)

Girls: 7:00am (M-Th); 7:45am (Fri)

Tuesday, Oct. 25: 

HS Cross Country: Region II-1A Meet (Angelo State)

Girls, 9:00am

Boys, 9:35am

HS Tennis: Dual vs. Reagan County (a Big Lake), 4:00pm

Thursday, Oct. 27:

JH Football: vs. Sands (A), 5:30pm

JV Football: vs. Sands (A), 7:00pm (or 10 min after JH)

Friday, Oct. 28:

Varsity Football:  vs. Sands (H), 7:30pm

Saturday, Oct. 29:

JHG Basketball: Ira/Whiteface Scrimmage (H-Old Gym) HSG Basketball: Ira/Whiteface Scrimmage (H-New Gym)

Start time: 10:00am for both

All Events and Practices are subject to change.

Let’s Go Kats!